presents: Who said this?

Q. I asked readers to submit questions for you and at least 90 percent of them were about your appearances on the Howard Stern show.

A. (Chuckles) The reason I have respect for Howard Stern is he has the guts to stand up and utilize his freedom of speech. Sure, some of it is juvenile and raucous, but during the Bush years, he had the nerve to stand up and ask why America was sending men and women out on the battlefields with inadequately armored vehicles. Howard is a masterful interviewer and he throws a good party early in the morning.

Q. How did you first meet him?

A. It was back in 1990. I was doing a play in New York and I was given the assignment by the publicist to go on his show and promote the play. I had no idea who Howard Stern was. So I’m sitting at the studio waiting to go on and they had this radio show playing. I said to the guy sitting next to me, “This conversation is really disgusting!” and he said, “This is the show you’re waiting to go on.”....
