From The Mouths of Babes Comes Wisdom -- Emily Stern Really Nails It.

by I. Humphrey

Generally my interest in all things Howard stops at the studio door. Howard's wives, and children, while mentioned from time to time, have for me, always been tangential to the show. With the exception of Robin, I view the show as a men's club, a place where guys can be irreverent, and behave in a way that woman would never approve of. Sort of like an antidote for political correctness. For these reasons I was unprepared for the following quote from Howard Stern's eldest daughter, Emily Stern regarding her father on the"Living this character on the radio, there's only so much you can say, 'It's not me' before you embody it -- I think that's a bit of what happened." 

I believe the same can be said of Stern listeners, if you are what you eat, then maybe to some degree, you are what you hear. I am I. Humphrey, "I hear, I am." Kind of poetic.

The Jewish Journal: She said she identifies with stories of transformation and revelation, in part, because she was raised in an atmosphere of "extreme concealment ... a lot of things were private because it was the public eye."

Howard has said on-air that he doesn't want to discuss certain things because it might embarrass his children. However, soon after saying this Howard discussed in great detail, an incident in which he was showering with a woman he was dating after his divorce, and she urinated on his foot as a part of their foreplay. All of which begs the question, where does the off-limits line lie? Evidently it's as easily flanked as the Maginot Line. If discussing a woman urinating on his foot was suitable for public discussion, then what would Howard view as unsuitable? Or is Howard just a good liar adept at mixing truth with fantasy? Is Howard Stern a phoney and a fake?

Well all of this is food for thought. Read Emily's interview, and decide for yourself. She's extremely bright, and well-spoken. Her interests run 180 degrees opposite that of Stern listeners, which makes her vantage point regarding her father, and The Stern Nation as fascinating as it is insightful.

For Howard Shrine Spews & Views this is I. Humphrey saying, "Will the real Howard Stern please stand up, beyaatch!"