It takes one to know one, and Lange knows one, a fellow sufferer that is. How gratifying, even if long in coming was it to hear Lange utter a few timid words in Janks' defense at the merciless attack he's been put through by the $500,000,000 Howard Stern Show Machine in the form of Steven The Shit, Mud Langford.
If this is how Howard treats his friends and loyal fans, I'd hate to see how he treats his enemies. Kenneth Keith Kallenbach is dead. Kenneth Keith Kallenbach is dead. Kenneth Keith Kallenbach is dead, but hey, at least his demise made for a few hard-hitting, real news stories for Langford and his puppet-master. Must Janks die for the show, too? Well it's 13-days to the Ides of March, so, "Et tu Brute?"
For Howard Shrine Spews and Views, this is I. Humphrey saying, "Throw'em to the lions, beyaaatch!"