I copy-pasted this item from the odious Stern Fan Network web site. I figured I would rescue the posting before it was zapped by the Thought Police.
Poor Howard's tired after sitting on his ass for 4.5 hours a day, making over $150,000/hr. and can't take 5 minutes to say hello to a former employee, or any other requests after the show is over.
Guess what, your fans are tired too, of this shitty radio show that's goine straight into the toilet. Sybian rides from porn stars, D List guests, rushing the news everyday, playing the same tired phony phone calls day after day, the lack of motivation, Robin laughing 4 hours straight everyday....I can go on and on.
Yup, you're not the only one that's tired Howie. Just fucking retire already, your show is a shell of what it once was, and it's embarrassing to listen to.
Of course, the only ones who think it's "never been better" are the ones who have only listened since Sirius. Your longtime fans know that "It's Over, Johnny."
For Howard Shrine Spews & Views, this is I. Humphrey saying, "If you have nothing to say, copy/paste, beyaaatch!"
Robin Williams, 57 years old, is currently in the hospital for heart problems. Let us all pray for his speedy recovery. Article.