Ram Charan Tej’s ultimate film Merupu in a citation of Dharani was launched during Rama Naidu studios upon a sunrise of thirty April. NV Prasad as well as Paras Jain have been mutually producing this movie. Kajal Agarwal plays womanlike lead. Paruchuri brothers pens dialogues. Devi Sri Prasad scores music. Personal Computer Sreeram handles cinematography. Thota Tharani is a art director. VT Vijayan is a editor.
Dharani said, “This is my initial film in this banner. There have been large expectations upon Ram Charan Tej after Magadheera as well as you rebuilt book to compare a expectations. Merupu equates to lightening strike. There will be tall voltage in this movie. The tale of a film is about how a youngster completed his goal. There will be lots of blurb elements in this movie.”
Devi Sri Prasad, “I favourite this pretension a lot. we am operative for a initial time with Dharani. He is a song lover. we am vehement about operative for a film which has Personal Computer Sreeram operative for it. we am a fantastic crony of Ram Charan Tej given childhood. He used to come to my residence as well as fool around with low-pitched instruments. It is a fantastic tale as well as a sequences for songs have been really excellent. Ram Charan Tej is well known for legendry dances as well as we am scheming songs to compare which image. There will be 6 songs.”
Ram Charan Tej said, “It is a fantastic blurb script. we felt fantastic after listening to a tale as well as it caters to all cross-sections of audiences. we am pleased which Personal Computer Sreeram is operative for my film. we knew NV Prasad given we was a kid. Devi Sri Prasad is my childhood friend. we listened to a marks as well as we favourite them. we am you do a singular impression in this movie. It will be identified by today’s youth. The tale is about how a youngster becomes victorious. There is a stroke in a tale. Producers have been spending fantastic volume of income upon this movie.”