A romantic tale, the story begins on the banks of river Godavari in Polavaram and here is Gopika (kamalini) who is a doctor. She has a mobile clinic in the boats called 'Lanchee' and she serves the poor and takes care of their health. She has a team (pradeep shakti and others) which helps her in her social service. However, her mother (jayalalitha) is worried since she wants to see Gopika married. Her prayers are answered in the form of Dr Shyam who comes from the US. However, a chance incident gets Gopika in touch with Gopi (venu) through mobile. Gopi is a singer with an orchestra band living in Hyderabad and both have not seen each other. Soon, their mobile conversations get them close and they fall in love with each other. This matter is exposed to Gopika's mom and she resents this. Gopi decides it is time to come and meet Gopika but on the way, an incident takes place and this changes the course of the whole story. Whether Gopi and Gopika meet at Godavari or not forms the rest of the story.
Gopi Gopika Godavari -Telugu
A romantic tale, the story begins on the banks of river Godavari in Polavaram and here is Gopika (kamalini) who is a doctor. She has a mobile clinic in the boats called 'Lanchee' and she serves the poor and takes care of their health. She has a team (pradeep shakti and others) which helps her in her social service. However, her mother (jayalalitha) is worried since she wants to see Gopika married. Her prayers are answered in the form of Dr Shyam who comes from the US. However, a chance incident gets Gopika in touch with Gopi (venu) through mobile. Gopi is a singer with an orchestra band living in Hyderabad and both have not seen each other. Soon, their mobile conversations get them close and they fall in love with each other. This matter is exposed to Gopika's mom and she resents this. Gopi decides it is time to come and meet Gopika but on the way, an incident takes place and this changes the course of the whole story. Whether Gopi and Gopika meet at Godavari or not forms the rest of the story.