Were you into the Howard Stern show before the time Howard visited your restaurant then talked about it on the air?
I’ve always loved Howard. I never got to listen to it a lot—probably the most was when I lived alone and worked in finance and had it on my shower radio in the bathroom so I’d listen while I got dressed. I’ve always had sort of a crush groove thing for him. So when he came in and was seated at the next table from where I was working, I got all flustered. He was sweet. He came in another time a few months later. I was really nervous talking to him and I usually don’t get nervous. I thanked him for talking about my restaurant so nicely on the air. I wanted to let him know that everything else he said was all cool too. Then he was saying that I should have my own radio show on Sirius like Martha Stewart. And I so badly wanted to say, “But I don’t want to have my own radio show, I just want to be on your show!” I didn’t say that because I was too scared…I don’t ever want to put anyone on the spot. But I do really want to come on the show. And make them all ice cream sundaes. I’d be terrified of saying something stupid, but I’ll talk about pretty much anything. I wouldn’t ride that thing though—I forget what it’s called. J
How has that exposure changed your customer base? And just helped business in general?
I was totally flattered when he talked about us on the air the way he did. The restaurant definitely got extra busy for a while, it was really nice. Something about the crowd looked very different. I realized it was way more B&T than usual! (Bridge n Tunnel). I like that he said he liked the restaurant so much. It gives us a certain credibility because most people expect a vegan restaurant to be lame.
full interview