Are There Any Fans At SFN?

I first discovered the SFN in 2002, and I loved the site because it brought together people who loved Howard Stern and his gang of misfits like I do. There were posters on the Stern Fan Network that really had great personalities and dispite the ball busting it was a fun place to hang out. Mutt, at the time created a real haven for Stern fans.

However, fast foward to 2009, and if you go to the Stern Fan Network you see a very different site. Mutt, the founder of SFN, is all but gone from his own website, the classic posters have been chased away from the newbies, and every forum is full of negativity not only towards the show but to anyone else that wants to post there.

Here are some examples of current threads on SFN:
-Fred The Uptight Snoot
-How Did Robin Get So Fat
-Howie Is Such An Ass, My Head Is Going To Explode
-F**king Worst Show Ever

In addition to those negative threads, most of SFN is made up of poster's personal lives. These new posters of 2009 think that they are comedians and personalities and anyone who does not care to read about their mundane lives are morons. While an internet message board is just words on the internet, there are many posters now that take those words all too seriously. SFN is not the real world.

Many people say the Howard Stern Show has lost its way. To a degree, they may be right. However, SFN really has lost its way. Are there any fans left on the SFN? My days of posting on SFN are over. I am still a fan of Howard Stern and the show, but there does not seem to be any room on SFN for fans anymore. Perhaps the name should be changed to SHN - Stern Haters Network?