Today High Pitch Erik apologized yet again for his crazy and destructive behavior. This time he apologized to his ex-girlfriend Angel (aka HPB):
"Hello everyone, first of all I want to say that HPB and I have been fighting and I am here to apologize to her for what I have said to her in the past and calling her names, I also am apologizing to her kids for mentioning her kids names as well. I know that HPB was looking out for me and I want to say thank to her for doing that. There is no reason for fighting, fighting gets you nowhere but trouble. So HPB I apologize I have been fighting with you calling you names and I apologize to your kids as well. If you dont think I think about HPB, I do. I hope you get well HPB. Thank you. Erik"
Is High Pitch serious this time or another empty apology from a sad Wack Packer?