Howard Stern, King of All Pumpkinheads?
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More about what fearnet is up to:
PUMPKIN PALOOZA – Each day of FEARtober will dawn with the unveiling of a new artistic homage to Fear, with each masterpiece carved in PUMPKIN by Russ Leno, perhaps the world’s greatest living pumpkin carver. Not your father’s jack-o-lanterns for sure, these squash sculptures are being created exclusively for FEARNET, and 31 days means 31 different tricked-out pumpkins carved with the delicate skill and methodical creativity of a mad scientist -- check back each day for the newest work of macabre art to be unveiled, because as the days pass, Leno’s creations become bigger and more fantastic, culminating in a week of pumpkins so big, so intricate and so terrifying that … well, you’ll just have to check for yourself each day. Leno’s victims – er, subjects – will be selected with great care, and include Horror Icons, Headline Newsmakers, Sexy Scream Queens and Celebrities we Fear Most.