...Emily Stern experienced her father as a loving, protective parent; she says she was not explicitly forbidden from tuning in to his program (famous for its naked women and other outrageous scenarios)."But there was the sense of 'You wouldn't want to listen; it's not your father.'"
The suggestion was that Stern's public persona was an act, and that the real Howard Stern was an intensely private family man devoted to his then-wife, Allison, and three daughters.When Emily secretly watched the radio show's late-night TV broadcast, she was confused by her father's high-energy, improvisational performance."I remember being like, 'That isn't my dad. Who is this?' Then once I reached the age when it was maybe acceptable to listen ... it really just wasn't what I was interested in, in seeing my dad that way, and also the content."As a child, Emily first performed in the choir at her Reform temple in Roslyn, N.Y., where she sang at children's services and Jewish camp.
To read more from the excellent article, go to: http://www.jewishjournal.com/theater/article/emily_stern_howard_sterns_daughter_on_stage_and_off_20080928/