Eric The Midget's Bucket List

My Bucket List
by Eric The Midget
My Bucket List....
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This summer during my road trip vacation when I started have my health problems get to the point where I had to stay in the hospital I started thinking about what I still wanted to do in my life. I remember that two years ago there was a movie with Jack Nicholson, and Morgan Freeman that was called The Bucket List. Even though I have no plans of my life ending anytime soon I thought that I should make my own bucket list, and get started on it as soon as possible so here it goes.....

#1.) Run for Governor of the state of California. I pick this first off because it the closet thing. California picks the next governor next year. I believe that I can out do the last two governors that this state has had. Arnold S., and the guy before him both sucked. They both put our state in the crapper. ....

#2.) Get Dougie “The Puggie”, and other books published, and Make the New York Times Best Sellers list with them all.....

#3.) Have one, or more of my books get turned into a big screen movie.....

#4.) Continue trying to get more acting roles on TV.....

#5.) Get my first movie role.....

#6.) Working with my two favorite wrestling companies WWE, and TNA in whatever way that I can.....

#7.) Direct a movie.....

#8.) Direct, and make a documentary.....

#9.) Get the nerve up to try at least one night of doing stand up.....

#10.) Show my talents as an artist by doing some designs, and drawings.....

#11.) Own or get to be a part of a record label. I think I have an ear for talent.....

#12.) Finally get to meet Kelly Clarkson, and meet a bunch of my other favorite celebrities.....

#13.) Continue to visit the girls of the Bunny Ranch, and the Love Ranch as much as I can.....

#14.) Go to the rest of the lower 48 states that I haven’t been to yet.....

#15.) Stay at as many of the Las Vegas hotels that I haven’t been to yet as I can.....

#16.) Have a huge family reunion for both sides of my family at Disneyworld or in Las Vegas.
